For reading we read an article about how climate change is our biggest challenge, the greenhouse effect and how it impacts our planet and how we can try to lessen the effect climate change has on our planet. For the create task, we had to make a poster about one of the main messages of the article, it needed to be concise and had to be a 20 word max. Here is my create!
Kia ora, I am a student at St Francis of Assisi School, Welcome - Haere Mai. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note my work may include spelling or other errors because some of it will be my first drafts. I would like to get your feedback - comments, thoughts, questions and ideas to help me Learn Create Share.
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Stop burning fossil fuels!
Monday, September 27, 2021
My 'Be' Word Brick!
For reading we have been learning about community, and what brings our community together, and how it's important to be a part of a community, I think it's important to be a part of a community because it surrounds you with people who can relate to you and people you can lean on when you need help or something, it can also sometimes improve your social and mental wellbeing!
We also had to read a text that was based on the Beatitudes from the Bible. I had a choice to make either my own 'be' poem, a words brick, or to plan an event for your community (hypothetically of course). I chose to do a word brick. Here is my reading create!
My time at Camp! [repost]
For writing we had to make a reflection about how we showed the 6 c's during the camp experience. The 6 c's are: collaboration, creativity, communication, critical thinking, character, and global citizenship! Camp was really fun and I would do it again if I could. Here is my work!
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Rate and ratio pt.2!
For math, I got to do rates and ratio again! We had 4 questions I had to choose to work on, and explain how to work them out, 1 ratio question and 1 rate question. Here is my create!
Friday, September 10, 2021
The Pyramids of Giza!
For this week's math task we have learned about 2D and 3D shapes. For the create we had to make a 3D model of a real life building, and its 2D representation, like the Tower of London or your house! We had to use this website "Online isometric drawing tool". Here is my create!
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
How to tie a tie
For writing we had to make instructions on anything we wanted. The instructions needed to have no more than 150 words and 8 steps. I decided to make instructions on how to tie a tie, specifically a "full windsor" knot. Here is my create!
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Reading Instructions
This week's reading task was to read and follow instructions. We had to choose 1 out of 5 different sets of instructions, read them and see what we ended up with. I was a bit confused on some of the steps, but I followed them the best I could, and then I ended up with a penguin! I think my penguin looks pretty good! Here is what I have done.
Thursday, September 2, 2021
Statistical Investigation
For math my workshop did a statistical investigation. We had to gather some data and make some sort of chart on google sheets, and had to make an infographic about it. We needed to have a title, a screenshot of the data, our chart, and 2 statements on how we understand and analysed our data. Here is my infographic and my chart and data.
My Haiku!
For writing we have learning about poetry. We had 4 types of poems to choose from, a haiku, rhymed poetry, riddle poem, and a shape poem. I chose to do a haiku. My genre for my haiku was football/soccer. Here is my haiku.
Top 10 Hobbies for Happiness!
For reading we have been about hobbies and how it affects your happiness. We had multiple choices to pick from to do our create on, I did a top 10 poster for "hobbies for happiness". Here is my create.
Thursday, August 26, 2021
rate and ratio
For math we learnt about rates and ratios, there was 4 questions I had to choose to work on. The question I worked on was: Mrs Newbould’s car uses 11 litres of petrol for every 120km. How much petrol is needed to travel the 360 km to her friend's house in Dunedin? Here is what I have done for my create task:
For writing the teacher paired us up and we had to write comments/feedback on each others speech. Here is the feedback that I have gotten on my speech.
The lighter red highlight is what I added to my conclusion:
"There is no clear answer to this question because the way one would answer this question depends on what kind of person they are. For example, some people might find peace and happiness if they had enough discretionary income to do whatever they want. On the other hand, others might believe that there are more important things in life such as living in a safe location and having good relationships with friends and family members, but at the end of the day, the amount of money you have won’t matter. “Money is not everything in life. "Some believe no relationship is possible without money but no amount of money can buy love or happiness” Quote by Chitra Withane. Does money buy you happiness?"
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Money Can't Buy Happiness
Natalie T - Persuasive Text; For
Money Can’t Buy Happiness
Money can't buy happiness, but it can improve the things that make us happy.
It is a common saying that money can't buy happiness. What does this really mean? It means that you don't need to be rich in order to have a good life and experience joy.
Paragraph 1:
As my first statement, if anything, having more money just brings more responsibility and stress instead of happiness. The expression also means that you don’t need luxurious items in order to feel happy: simple things like nature, family time and hobbies are likely to make you happy without any extra effort or expense on your part.
Paragraph 2:
Secondly, money isn’t always the key to happiness. I have done research and found many studies that have been done to see if there is a correlation between wealth and happiness. One study of 26 countries found that people who live in wealthier countries tend to be happier than those who live in poorer countries. The study also found similar results when looking at people within each country, regardless of how wealthy the country was overall.
Paragraph 3:
To sum up what has been said so far, money can't buy happiness, but obviously it can make life easier. With money, we are able to get things like food and water. But in the end, these things are not going to be what we will remember when we think back on our lives, it’ll be the happy moments in life, like the ones we achieve without money, like the moments with family or friends.
There is no clear answer to this question because the way one would answer this question depends on what kind of person they are. For example, some people might find peace and happiness if they had enough discretionary income to do whatever they want. On the other hand, others might believe that there are more important things in life such as living in a safe location and having good relationships with friends and family members, but at the end of the day, the amount of money you have won’t matter. “Money can’t buy happiness” Quote by Howard Hughes.
My Inner Peace!
For the past two weeks in reading we have been learning about inner peace and what it means/looks to us, there are four types of inner peace: spiritual, social, physical, and mental. We had to make a digital or physical shape full of things that brought us peace, like reading a book or something.
1. What does inner peace look like to you?
Inner peace is something that makes you calm and mellow, like zoning out and listening to music.
2. Describe what you have written/drawn.
I drew the beach, because whenever me and my family go there, it brings me peace, and I also drew a tv and a book, I have also drawn 'me' listening to music and I have wrote down "Family".
3. Consider the 4 walls, which one are you most at peace with and which one do you need to work on?
I think I am most at peace with my spiritual health and I need to work on my physical health.
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Emotional Literacy
Thursday, July 1, 2021
Through the Islands!
L4 Goal: Communicate and interpret locations and directions, using compass directions, distances, and grid references.
Thursday, June 24, 2021
Guess Which Fast Food Company Made a Gaming Console?
L4 Goal: Select from a wide range of genre when reading independently
For reading we had to structure a blog post about the different articles we found on Kiwi Kids News. They all had to be in different genres, these are the article's I chose.
1. KFC Console - Interest Article
When I first saw this article I thought it was fake, and I thought it was desperate to try to get more money; But kudos to KFC for being innovative enough to create the first chicken-based console. The idea is a clever way to combine your love of grilled chicken, their fried chicken, and your favorite games.
2. Darth Vader House - Real Estate
When I first saw this article I thought it was a really nice and pretty cool how you can buy the main antagonist of a very popular and famous movie series house!
3. Five people arrested for stealing Lady Gaga’s dogs - Crimes
I think this is actually kind of funny because, I mean, 5 people stealing the dog's of a celebrity. But as I'm reading through the article (and the comments) it's kind of sad.
Learning grid references!
Level 4 - Communicate and interpret locations and directions, using compass directions, distances, and grid references.
For math we learnt how to read a map and use coordinations, for the create task we had to create a map with our own coordinations! Here is my work.
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Friday, June 11, 2021
Reading Term 2 Week 6
Emily survived the chaos of the Guardian Academy, but Max Griffin has stolen the Mother Stone. With it, the Elf King forges new Amulets that will give him the power to invade and destroy the nation of Windsor.
Thursday, April 1, 2021
This week for reading I had to make a venn diagram on two landmarks, one from Christchurch and one from any other landmarks from the rest of world. For the Christchurch landmark I did the Canterbury Museum, the other world landmark I chose The Great Wall of China.
Here is my reading work:
My Kōhaiwhai pattern in math!
Poetry Writing!
For writing I had to make a poem based on public places, buildings, and people in Ōtautahi. And we had to mention the Ngāi Tahu tribe at least once in the poem. We had to make a free verse poem. Here is my poem!
Thursday, March 25, 2021
magical math!
Friday, March 19, 2021
Goal: L4 Communicate and interpret locations and directions, using compass directions, distances, and grid references.
Friday, March 12, 2021
Pā Week!
This week everything was based on Māori Pā's. For math we had to make our pā and measure the outsides. For writing we had to describe the pā we made in maths. And for reading we made to make a modern real estate advertisement about Māori Pā's. Here is the slide with all my creates!