
Thursday, March 25, 2021

magical math!

 Goal: complete a statistical investigation by collecting, displaying and discussing data determine appropriate variables and data collection methods. Choose an appropriate data display. Analyse a data sample. Use a database (spreadsheet) to collect and organise data. Evaluate findings and form conclusions.
I had to use a google sheet of information that my teacher made, it was about the Maori population in 19th century. I made a bar chart of the information that was laid out. I soon made a google slide with my bar chart, full of information and 3 statements about the graph. Here is my work:    




Friday, March 19, 2021


Goal: L4 Communicate and interpret locations and directions, using compass directions, distances, and grid references.

This week in maths we learned on how to plot coordinates and directions. We also learned how to use a map! We needed to do find the coordinates from Kaiapoi Pa to Onawe Pa. Here is my work!

Friday, March 12, 2021

Pā Week!

This week everything was based on Māori Pā's. For math we had to make our pā and measure the outsides. For writing we had to describe the pā we made in maths. And for reading we made to make a modern real estate advertisement about Māori Pā's. Here is the slide with all my creates!