
Monday, September 27, 2021

My 'Be' Word Brick!

For reading we have been learning about community, and what brings our community together, and how it's important to be a part of a community, I think it's important to be a part of a community because it surrounds you with people who can relate to you and people you can lean on when you need help or something, it can also sometimes improve your social and mental wellbeing! 

We also had to read a text that was based on the Beatitudes from the Bible. I had a choice to make either my own 'be' poem, a words brick, or to plan an event for your community (hypothetically of course). I chose to do a word brick. Here is my reading create!

Question: Are you a part of a community? 

My time at Camp! [repost]

For writing we had to make a reflection about how we showed the 6 c's during the camp experience. The 6 c's are: collaboration, creativity, communication, critical thinking, character, and global citizenship! Camp was really fun and I would do it again if I could. Here is my work!

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Rate and ratio pt.2!

For math, I got to do rates and ratio again! We had 4 questions I had to choose to work on, and explain how to work them out, 1 ratio question and 1 rate question. Here is my create!

Friday, September 10, 2021

The Pyramids of Giza!

 For this week's math task we have learned about 2D and 3D shapes. For the create we had to make a 3D model of a real life building, and its 2D representation, like the Tower of London or your house! We had to use this website "Online isometric drawing tool". Here is my create!

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

How to tie a tie

For writing we had to make instructions on anything we wanted. The instructions needed to have no more than 150 words and 8 steps. I decided to make instructions on how to tie a tie, specifically a "full windsor" knot. Here is my create!

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Reading Instructions

This week's reading task was to read and follow instructions. We had to choose 1 out of 5 different sets of instructions, read them and see what we ended up with. I was a bit confused on some of the steps, but I followed them the best I could, and then I ended up with a penguin! I think my penguin looks pretty good! Here is what I have done.


Thursday, September 2, 2021

Statistical Investigation

 For math my workshop did a statistical investigation. We had to gather some data and make some sort of chart on google sheets, and had to make an infographic about it. We needed to have a title, a screenshot of the data, our chart, and 2 statements on how we understand and analysed our data. Here is my infographic and my chart and data.

My Haiku!

 For writing we have learning about poetry. We had 4 types of poems to choose from, a haiku, rhymed poetry, riddle poem, and a shape poem. I chose to do a haiku. My genre for my haiku was football/soccer. Here is my haiku.

What's your favorite type of poem?

Top 10 Hobbies for Happiness!

 For reading we have been about hobbies and how it affects your happiness. We had multiple choices to pick from to do our create on, I did a top 10 poster for "hobbies for happiness". Here is my create.

Do you have any hobbies?